Suffering From Neck Pain in Comstock Park MI?

You know the old saying, “It's a pain in the neck”? Well, when you live with neck pain long enough, you know it's important to find the best chiropractor in Comstock Park MI. Neck pain can make even the simplest of movements involving the neck, head, arms, shoulders, and back excruciatingly difficult. Neck problems can lead to headaches, upper body discomfort, and sore muscles. Immobility resulting from neck pain can cause the muscles to become weak and degenerate over time.
Understanding the root of your neck pain is a necessary step toward acquiring the treatment that will be effective in both short and long-term recovery. The following article looks at the causes of neck pain and explains how Comstock Park MI chiropractic care can be a useful alternative to conventional treatments.
Neck Pain Treatment in Comstock Park MI
Although the neck is a relatively small area of the body, it is comprised of some complicated structures which do the important job of holding your head up. The small size of the vertebrae of the neck allows for a lot of mobility, but can also make the neck more vulnerable to injury and pain. Some of the causes of neck pain include:
- Trauma, such as whiplash
- Sleeping position
- Poor posture
- Repetitive stress
- Abnormalities in the bone structure
- Joint issues
- Muscle strains and pulls
Most of these issues are either caused by or impact, the alignment of the spine. When muscles in the neck go into spasm, the spine gets pulled out of alignment. When the spine is misaligned, the nerves become irritated and cause further tension and other systemic problems. Because every nerve in the body has its root in the spinal column, issues that have their source at the neck can have a major impact throughout every other system.
Many people let spinal problems go uncorrected in Comstock Park MI. They hope that if they wait long enough the pain will simply go away. In some cases it will go away, but the misalignment that caused the problem is usually still there. Over time, that area can become aggravated, and the pain can return. If the problem is not corrected it can become much more serious. Some patients let things go to the point where surgery may be the only option.
Conventional vs. Holistic Treatments
Most commonly, people try to deal with their neck pain using prescription or over-the-counter medications. This may help to relieve the symptoms in the short-term, but not only are patients dealing with side effects, the underlying issue goes unaddressed. Massage Therapy has become more popular over the years and this can help to relieve some muscle tightness. If the issue is in the bones or joints, the problem will remain.
Chiropractic treatment is a holistic practice that addresses the structural cause that leads to the majority neck pain. Following a thorough chiropractic assessment aimed at ruling out other issues and finding the exact source of the problem, a personalized recovery plan is developed. Gentle adjustments to the spine can bring instant relief and restore long term health to the neck and the entire body. Call our team at Gorbach Family Chiropractic today to set up a consultation and bring an end to the pain in your neck.
Painful Neck? Here's Why
That painful neck of yours could have any of a variety of causes, not all of them obvious. Ideally, your cervical spine maintains a gentle curve to help support the weight of your skull, with the aid of several muscle groups and connective tissues. But if your head has less than a perfect vertical alignment, muscles on one side or the other may be overworked, leading to chronic strain. You may even be creating such imbalances yourself by allowing your head to hang forward as you check your smartphone or use a too-low computer monitor -- an acquired condition known as "text neck." Degenerative conditions such as age-related bulging discs, osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis can also sneak up on your neck, creating chronic pain and stiffness.
Other causes of neck pain leave no doubt as to their origins. Whiplash is one of the most well-known (and dreaded) examples. A severe jolt to the body can throw the head backward and forward rapidly enough to injure the neck's soft tissues, dislocate vertebral joints and even alter the curve of your neck. Additionally, discs may herniate and compress cervical nerve roots, causing not only neck pain but referred pain and other symptoms in the upper extremities.
Non-Surgical Treatments from Our Chiropractor in Comstock Park
If you don't relish the thought of invasive neck surgery or constant painkiller use, you need to consider the safer, more effective neck pain relief chiropractic care offers. Our chiropractor in Comstock Park can treat your problem at the source through:
- Chiropractic adjustments - Chiropractic adjustments can reposition cervical joint components and vertebrae to restore optimal neck alignment and function. Our Comstock Park chiropractor can also use it take pressure off of nerve roots.
- Corrective exercises - Corrective exercises can lay a pivotal role in helping you build strength in atrophied or damaged neck muscles, helping you support your head correctly and increasing your range of motion.
- Massage therapy - Massage therapy enhances blood flow to injured neck tissues for reduced inflammation and speeder healing; it also releases chronically tight neck muscles.
- Lifestyle advice - If your lifestyle is partly to blame for your pain, we can help! Our Comstock Park chiropractor can advise you on healthy workplace ergonomics and other options that can dramatically improve the state of your neck.
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
Gorbach Family Chiropractic
6440 Alpine Ave NW STE 2
Comstock Park, MI 49321